Monday, July 16, 2012

Poetry Corner for the week of 7/16/12: Part One

This week, I'll be posting three of my published poems (featured in Danse Macabre, July 2011).  Today is my poetic take on the numbing effect of violence and one of the most notorious events of the past few years.

Yearning to Be Free
How would
Charles Starkweather and
Caril Ann Fugate
act now

When would
apps for their
smart phones
not be enough

Would they text
love notes
and forward pics
of their latest kills

as random as
the walking zygotes
that spawned them

Photos of
bodies framed with
little hearts or
hugs and kisses

with countenances
as blank as
their killers’ souls

How far
would the Badlands
extend their desolation
to us this time

Would Jared Lee Loughner
smile for their camera phones
and be their comrade
in arms

What new boredom—
yearning to be free—
will express its emptiness
at others’ expense

Gordon Stamper Jr.
January 22 and May 4, 2011

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